Saturday, March 26, 2011

Basic information about N.Korea

N o r t h    K o r e a?

  • Location: Korean Peninsula
  • Capital City: Pyongyang
  • Language: Korean
  • Government: single party state, military dictatorship
  • Area: 122762㎢
  • Currency: North Korean Won
  • GDP: $1,700
  • Formal declaration: Sept 9th, 1948
 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or North Korea boarders on the Korean Peninsula. It covers 122,762km² which occupies 55% of the whole Korean Peninsula (221,336km²).  Its costline is 2,495km long, it boarders with China and Russia.  Pyoung Yang is its capital city, and there are 9 states in total.  It became a member of UN in 1991 with South Korea, and because of  Nuclear testing and  launching missiles, it became a target of criticism throughout the whole world.  The leader of country was Il-sung Kim and after his death,  Jung-il Kim became the leader.

Religious aspects

North Korea claims that there is religious freedom, but it is actually not true.
According to the chart presented by christian organization, Opendoors, North Korea is the country that persecutes christians the most throughout the world. She considers christianity is the source of rebellion, so she executes hundreds of christians every year, and imprison tens of thousands of christians.

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