P r i s o n C a m p ?
what is prison camp?
North Koreans call the prison camp as restricted area, moving area, banishment camp, or management office. Generally they call it "management office"
The government and Jung-il Kim do not want to let the people around the world know about the prison camp. They want to keep it secret and one of the ways to achieve their goal is to change the name of it. They call it Chosen Inmin Gyongbi dae(North Korean people's guards) and camouflage as an army, or a village.
General people in North Korea, as a result, do not know exactly about the prison camp and assuredly, they know less about it than South Koreans or people around the world know about the prison camps.
These prison camps accommodate more than 200,000 people without trials, revolutionist, pro-Japanese group, Christians, and people who criticized communism and longing for freedom. However, politicians who lost in the veiled enmity power struggles and their families sent to the prison camp, and as North Korean government pushed ahead with the idolization of Kim Jung-il, prison camps were packed with people.
There are initializations which keep prisoners from running away. At the boundaries, there are barbed-wire fence that is 3~4 meters high, and places where prisoners can easily escape there are electric fence, mine fields, traps, and fences. They watch day and night at the barbicans which is 7meters long every 2 km.
If someone get caught when he try to flee from the prison camp, many times he indiscriminately shot to dead or killed by commando unit for training purposes. Once someone enters the prison camp, it is so sure that he does not have any kind of right as a people of North Korea or even right as a human. He is considered as a tool which provides product. He is no longer a citizen of N.Korea, he is disenfranchised, limits the right to be educated, food rationing, marriage, and even childbirth. Visit is abandoned; any kind of contact with outside of the prison camp is prohibited.
Schedule of prisoners are different but the ones who work in the farm get up at 5~6 in the morning, work until 8 pm and after roll call and brainwashed by communist every night they go to bed at 10 pm. Ones who work in the mine are severe than those who work in the farm. They had to work more everyday without consideration of time.
They eat corns, potatoes, wheat, barley and they are given to once at harvest and regardless of the kind of food, 600g for the workers of mine and 500g for the other ones but it decreased to 100~200g because of shortage of food. Vegetables are hardly given, and little bit of salt, soybean pasts, soy sauce.
Becuase of lacking food, prisoners even eat the pea in the cow-pat or frog eggs, and live on the floor made out of bark. Prisoners are suffering of malnutrition, pellagra, tuberculosis, heptatitis and so on.

Prayer requests
*please pray for those who are kept in in the prsion camp_and especially who are kept because of their faith to believe in Jeses Christ_ to stand firm and bear all the persecutions
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